All written content on this site is for information purposes only. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of Eric S. Korbitz, CPA, CFP®, Principal of Korbitz Financial Planning LLC. Material presented is believed to be from reliable sources and we make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness. All information and ideas should be discussed in detail with your personal advisor prior to implementation. The author, publisher and host of this site are not providing legal, accounting, tax, or specific advice concerning your situation. Investment, financial planning and tax advice can only be provided after appropriate disclosures have been provided and an appropriate agreement has been signed by the advisor and client. Links to other sites should not be construed to be a recommendation by Korbitz Financial Planning LLC. Fee-only financial planning and investment advisory services are offered through Korbitz Financial Planning LLC, an investment advisory firm registered in the state of Wisconsin. The presence of this web site on the Internet shall in no direct or indirect way be construed or interpreted as a solicitation to sell or offer to sell investment advisory services to any residents of any state other than the states in which Korbitz Financial Planning LLC is registered or eligible to provide advisory services under applicable de minimis rules.